English Speaking Club-Osvita, Meeting #433 "Accidents at Home"
Time: November 22, 18:30 - 20:00
Place: Voskeresenska St. 23, Department of Literature in Foreign Languages, Dnipro Central Municipal Library
- What is the most dangerous thing in your home? How can your home be made less dangerous?
- What is the most dangerous thing in your home for a child? How can it be made less dangerous?
- What is the most dangerous thing in your home for an elderly person? How can it be made less dangerous?
- What dangers can be found in the kitchen that can cause accidents?
- What can be done to prevent kitchen accidents?
- What can a parent do to childproof a kitchen?
- What dangers can be found in bathrooms that can cause accidents?
- What can be done to prevent bathroom accidents?
- What can a parent do to childproof a bathroom?
- What dangers can be found outside the home in the yard that can cause accidents?
- What can be done to prevent yard accidents?
- What can a parent do to childproof the yard?
- What other dangers can be found in a home in bedrooms, laundry rooms, garages, and living areas?
- What can be done throughout the house to prevent accidents?
- What can a parent do to childproof the different rooms of the home?
- Where at home would you put your first aid kit? What would you have in it?
- Where are these items found in a house, why could they be dangerous, to whom could they be dangerous, and what could someone do to lessen the danger they present?
- hot pan/pot
- hot curling iron
- knife
- window
- iron
- medicines
- gasoline
- pool
- insecticides
- natural gas
- balcony
- toilets
- staircase
- stove/oven
- stool/ladder
- yard tools
- fireplace
- cellar /attic
- bathtub
- bad dog
- tall pieces of furniture
- swing set / playground
- very clean glass sliding door
- electronic equipment
- cleaning supplies
- lake/retention pond
- loose carpet on slippery tile floor
- glass table or sharp edged table
- hairdryer
- bric-a-brac
- What do you need to do if...
- you cut your finger preparing food?
- you fall down and can not move a limb?
- your child drinks a poisonous liquid? (discuss syrup of ipecac)
- the toilet is flooding the bathroom?
- a pan on the stove is on fire?
- a neighbor's dog is growling at you?
- our child falls off a chair and is bleeding?
- What is the phone number for the police?
- How do you call an ambulance?
- What is the phone number for poison control?