English Speaking Club-Osvita, Meeting #495 “Encouragement ”
Time: February 6, 18:30 - 20:00
Place: Voskeresenska St. 23, Department of Documents in Foreign Languages, Dnipro Central Municipal Library
- What do you do to encourage yourself when going through hard times? Does it work?
- Which of your family members encourage you most? How?
- How can discouragement help us to grow?
- What do you do when you feel depressed?
- What could someone do to encourage you when you feel depressed?
- What are some saying in your country that bring encouragement?
- What's the most encouraging book you've ever read?
- Which is better a word of encouragement or a letter of encouragement? Why?
- Is time a weapon to fight discouragement with? Why? How?
- How can you motivate others or yourself to have hope when there seems like there's no hope?
- What are some ways you feel you can make a difference in this world?
- How would you encourage a homeless bun who had no friends or relatives?
- What song encourages you most?
- What music encourages you most?
- What person has inspired you the most? How?
- What's your favorite encouraging saying?
- Do you encourage others when you see them crying? How?
- How can you fight discouraging thoughts about yourself?
- When should you see a counselor or psychologist?
- Can the church, temples, mosque or other religious places help bring someone encouragement or inspiration?
- How can you make yourself believe more in yourself?