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English Speaking Club-Osvita, Meeting #505 “The Art of Conversation”
Time: March 18, 15:00 - 17:00
Place: Voskeresenska St. 23, Department of Documents in Foreign Languages, Dnipro Central Municipal Library
1. What makes it easy to talk to someone?
a. What traits do you look for in a conversation partner?
2. Tell about your favorite types of conversations to have?
a. What do you talk about? How do you know the other person?
3. Who is the best conversationalist that you have ever met?
4. Have you ever had a great conversation with a complete stranger? What made it so great? What did you talk about? Where were you?
5. What is your role in a conversation? Do you dominate? Do you subordinate?
6. Have you ever tried to consciously change your conversational style?
a. What did you change?
7. What are some good habits you have in conversation?
8. What are some bad traits you have in conversations?
9. Do you like to flirt? How do you flirt? What do you say?
10. On a scale of 1-10, how do you rate your conversational skills?
a. Do you like to argue? If yes. what do you like to argue about?
11. Do you always want to be right?
12. What topics should you avoid when talking to a stranger?
13. What topics are taboos for your culture?
14. What topics are taboo for you personally?
15. What do people do that drives you crazy in a conversation?
16. How do you feel about talking on the phone? Why?
17. Do you think that some conversations are easier to have on the phone?
18. What types of conversations, and why?
19. What are some topics that you can't stand to talk about? Why?
20. Have you ever said something to someone that you wish you hadn't said? What was it? Explain.
21. Is there such a thing as being too honest? Explain.
22. How do you feel about conversations with people older than yourself?
23. If you could have a conversation with any famous living person, who would you talk to? What would you talk about?
24. If you could have a conversation with a famous deceased person, who would you talk to? What would you talk about, and why?
25. Do you like to eavesdrop on other people's conversations?
26. Have you ever recorded a phone call or conversation? Why?
27. What was a difficult conversation you had to have in your life? What made it hard? Explain.
28. How can you improve your conversation skills? Explain.